Thursday, August 4, 2011

Triphala More than just a laxative

There is more to Triphala than just acting as a natural laxative.Triphala is made up of three different plant species. Each ingredient has its own benefits and healing powers and put together they create one of the most popular and known products in Ayurvedic Medicine.
The 3 components that make up Triphala:

is specific to pitta because it has a sweet taste and cooling energy. It balances vata by asset of its sour taste and kapha by its severe taste and driving action. It is also one of the world's richest sources of vitamin C. Amalaki is also known as India's gooseberry which is used to make Nature's Formulary Chyawanprash.

"Bibhitaki" is linked to help with asthma, bronchitis, inflammations, sore throat and balances all three dosha's. But too much Bibhitaki can aggravate vata. This usually happens when Bibhitaki is taken on its own.
"Haritaki" helps to rejuvenate the body. Haritaki is an all natural laxative that helps to stimulant your appetite. It also eases vataimbalances. When constipated, toxins build up in your body, Haritaki helps eliminate these toxins to make you feel better and ease any abdominal pain that may be associated.

All of these key ingredients create Triphala. In ayurveda, Triphala is used for
  • Immune system stimulation
  • Improvement of digestion
  • Relief of constipation
  • Gastrointestinal tract cleansing
  • Relief of gas
  • It is also linked to help diabetes and eye diseases
How to get the best results from Triphala:
  • Avoid eating foods that include chemical preservatives. These include foods grown with pesticides and additives. Try to eat fresh, organic, well cooked foods. Avoid ice cold drinks; instead drink warm water throughout the day to flush out the toxins. Eat sweet, juicy fruits daily. This helps to cleanse the nutrient fluids in bowels.
  • Getting a good night's rest is essential. The body's natural purification period is between 10:00pm and 2:00am.
  • Eat your main meal midday because this is when your digestive levels are at their peak. Eat a light breakfast and supper because at this time, the digestion isn't at its strongest. Harder to digest foods such as yogurt and potatoes should be eaten during lunch time.
  • Try to eat at the same time every day.
  • Eat only when you're hungry and wait a full three hours after a main meal to begin snacking.
  • It is recommended that you eat until you're about 3/4 full because it takes the brain a few minutes to register that you are full.
  • Don't try to watch TV, read or work while eating because this is linked to cause indigestion. Avoid milk with salty foods, fish and foods with mixed tastes.
  • If drinking milk, boil it with fresh ginger or cardamom pod or a tad of each. This makes the milk more digestible and helps to avoid build up of mucus.
Triphala also offers antioxidants and may help to keep cholesterol in check. Because Triphala is slow when digesting into the body, it is safe to take for a long period of time. This has a more purifying effect because it detoxifies the blood muscle and fat tissue, prevents urinary tract problems and is an excellent way for preventing skin disease. It also soothes Kapha and Pitta imbalances if taken on a regular basis.
More on Nature's Formulary Triphala, here.

Nature's Formulary, LLC
19 Wood Road, Ste 600
Round Lake, NY 12151
website : 
